💟Kids Books, Phoenix Flowers, Travel Trix

The Smart Packing Lady

Simple, Lightweight Exercise Items To Pack

 When we travel we usually get plenty of exercise. There’s schlepping a suitcase, and at times, lifting suitcases up stairs and into aircraft overhead bins. There’s the walking through airports, train/subway stations, parking lots, and those walking tours in new cities. And we musn’t forget those unimaginable archaic stone staircases we walk up in ancient cities such as Rome, Greece, The Cinque Terre, and those of the Pyramids!! We can usually take advantage of hotel gyms and swimming pools, so in total we really do get a lot of exercise. This is good as long as we are in shape.

So to stay in shape here’s my consistent go-to that I carry in my travel bag. These easy-peasy super stretchy straps! No weight or bulk at all and can be obtained just about anywhere, Walmart, Online or at your Physical Therapist office. These lightweight straps are good for arms, legs and back. Use them daily for your hips by placing them around the ankles and doing side steps. While laying down, use the straps around the ankles for wide open leg stretches. Place under the bottom of your feet and pull up, exercising the upper arms. The straps take up no room at all; easy to use and carry and so very versatile. Ask your DR. or Physical Therapist for the best personal exercises that can be done with the stretch band that works for you.

I also use the following: the beach towels or robes the hotels provide are good for throwing down to the floor for yoga stretches, sit-ups or pelvic tilts.  Try rolling the towel to place under the small of your back or under your knees for upper body stretches, twists and leg lifts. Using a chair (for balance) and stretch bands attached to door knobs are good for leg and arm stretches and waist twists. Let’s face it, sleeping often on different beds or worse yet, in trains and planes, can quickly mess up some body parts and joints, but doing the same continuous daily exercises helps the muscle memory work to keep us loose, limber, active and pain free. I find the Straps are easily rolled and placed inside my shoes or folded flat into squares and placed in pant/shorts or a skirt pocket. Perfect! 💪🏽🏃‍♀️

Dannette Hunnel