💟Kids Books, Phoenix Flowers, Travel Trix


Never Get in Your Own Way


I'm Dannette Hunnel

I'm an expressive fun-loving Gramma with the Southwestern creative spirit. I use words, art, flowers, photography and computers to express myself. One of my many hobbies is creating children’s books.

All books contain aspects of nature such as animals, flowers, trees; healthy concepts such as food, exercise, positive thinking and facts about the Southwest. All stories teach of love, self-esteem and acceptance of others. Every book is dedicated to one of our 6 grandkids 💗. I’m passionate about introducing children to new places, thoughts and things; then watching them pursue their own gifts and graces.

I live by the phrase, "Never get in your own way" and I work at staying active and upbeat by challenging myself to new experiences. It is my dream that I have encouraged my children/grandchildren to do the same.

I also have ‘a thing’ for travel and desert gardening, so you might see some of that here in the above sections entitled,. Travel Trix and Gardening. I hope you enjoy my site, my advice, but most importantly, I hope that your kids like my books. I really want all kids to love to read. I believe if a child reads well, then they can do almost anything. Thanks for stopping by.



Honorable Mention,

Getting To Know Huey-Purple DragonFly Book Awards 2021-Animals/Pets Category

Honorable Mention,

‘Gage and The Googly-Eyed Guest’- Purple DragonFly Book Awards 2021- Charity/Making A Difference Category

Honorable Mention,

‘Hensley's Plastic Spoon’, Children's Book Awards, Los Angeles Book Festival, 2017

Winner ‘BestBook’ Award-Parenting-‘Shorten The Distance’ - 2006 


Current Co-Publicist - Cottonwood Tennis Club Sun Lakes, AZ.

Current Columnist- Sun Lakes Splash

Judge-Purple Dragonfly Book Awards

Judge - Story Monsters, LLC.

Judge -Arizona Authors Literary Magazine

Former Columnist, AZ Net News-Phoenix, AZ.

Former Columnist, Natural Healing News-Phoenix, AZ.

Former Columnist, The Good Life News-Phoenix, AZ.

Featured Columnist, Maricopa Parents Magazine, AZ.

Former Contributing Columnist, Hobart Gazette - Hobart, IN.

Former Publisher, The Pet Paper-Maricopa & Pinal County, AZ.

Former Editor, The Desert Bloom, A National Subscription

Member Arizona Authors Association

Creative Director- ZonieKids Series®️ Cool Kids Growing Up In The Desert: Lifestyle books for Arizona kids

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