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The Smart Packing Lady

JET LAG part 2

JET LAG Part 2

June 10, 2023

Arrival Back Home-

Of course as we age, we experience jet lag, fatigue, sleep deprivation and dehydration maybe a bit worse that in our younger years, so when you get home, allow yourself to just lay around for at least 2-3 days.                                             Don’t make any important decisions, sign important documents, or make any presentations. Try not to drive anywhere. Take it easy! Drink lots of water, get plenty of sunshine and try not to take too many long naps so you‘ll be tired at your normal bedtime.

Here are some more suggestions:                                            

While inflight, drink water or herbal tea, avoid caffeine and alcohol. By all means stay hydrated and lotion up. Dehydration will at times make your body think it is hungry but also make your skin itchy. You don’t want either of these things; hungry or itchy, to be a distraction in your ability to finally get to sleep. Dehydration will also increase your chance of getting a headache, which may come naturally anyway when you are overly tired or sleep deprived. Better safe than sorry; so drink water/herbal tea throughout your first and second days home.

Prior to our transcontinental flights, we take Vitamins B, C, D, and Zinc, I suggest you at least take a multi-vitamin of your choice.

Exercise/Stretch during the return flight as your did on your outbound flight.

If there is time to sleep before your commitments, check with your DR. and if permissible at bedtime, maybe take a melatonin. 

Dr Avidan has some helpful info on the effects of melatonin and international travel. You can google and read for yourself.

There are nice, gentle homeopathic jetlag remedies available over the counter in grocery stores, drug stores in both the US and in Europe.

Lavender essential oil is known for its calming properties, which may help to ease insomnia and fall asleep. While studies haven't explored the use of lavender oil for jet lag, some preliminary research suggests that the oil's aroma may help to improve sleep quality. So, a little dab on your wrists or sprinkle on a Kleenex and place under your pillow is worth a try.

Make your room dark and cool and take short naps! Even if you don’t sleep, at least lie down, rest, stare at the ceiling. No technology or TV.

Recent research from The Journal of Physiology  showed that, regardless of age or sex, exercising at 7 a.m. or between 1 and 4 p.m. caused participants’ circadian rhythm to occur earlier, while exercising between 7 and 10 p.m. shifted the body clock back. So, hit gym or take to local trails accordingly.

Expect once again, to feel a bit “FUZZY” later on the evening of your arrival back home.

Eat Light meals only for the first day. Alcohol is not recommended.

Expect your feet and ankles to swell from long haul flights  (which is why I don’t recommend taking your shoes off during flight) but the more you move them the less they will swell, and the swelling usually goes down in approximately 48 hours. This is another reason why I try not to make plans immediately after my return home so I don’t have problems with select shoes. Avoid sodium rich foods while traveling always. Then there is light therapy- For example, if you’re traveling eastward—say on an evening flight from New York to London—avoid light during your flight until around 11 a.m. London time after landing; you'll feel more energized and alert throughout the day. You'll also be more likely to fall asleep that night at an appropriate hour in your new time zone . . . then wake in the morning, well-rested.

If you’re traveling west, like from Miami to Los Angeles, expose yourself to light post-flight by going outside under bright skies later in the day, at dusk, and before bedtime. You'll have an easier time staying up late while waking at an appropriate time for the PST time zone. If you're traveling west, try getting light exposure in the late afternoon, after you arrive at your destination.

Be good to yourself. Consider this time as a continued part of your vacation or adventure.  Rest, relaxation, exercise, plenty of light and plenty of drinking water for 3 days are the best! Use this time to check your mail, get that luggage full of laundry washed and put away, water your plants and review all those fabulous trip pictures. Maybe you’ll want to create a memory photo book. That’s what I do.








Dannette Hunnel