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The Smart Packing Lady

Happy Sailing

Feb. 1, 2023

I just returned from my 5th cruise. It dawned on me that I should share my go-to/must have item from my last cruises with all of you, my globetrotting friends, (if you haven’t heard by now)

These amazing little wrists bands are great for the prevention of sea sickness. By using the science of acupressure they alleviate the nausea associated with travel (motion sickness-sea sickness). Should you predict some rough seas ahead, simply place band over hand onto wrist, 3 fingers width from the bottom or last line on the palm of your hand. Place the protruding dot on the side toward your body. We usually leave them on right at the beginning of the trip. The bands are said to also relieve nausea from pregnancy (morning sickness), anesthesia or chemotherapy. They do not make you drowsy. There are absolutely no drugs, herbs, etc.

Way back when, I was advised of such devices and purchased them at a homeopathic pharmacy; but now they are readily available through most pharmacy chains, i.e. Walgreens, CVS, etc.

At a mere 12.99 per set, they are definitely worth the price AND I have used the same pair for the last —-(dare I say), 27 years 😱😩!!

Again, Non-Drowsy-Promotes Nausea Relief for Travel, Morning Sickness & Chemotherapy, Drug Free…… Sooooooo worth it.

Have you ever been sea sick?? It is B.A.D. Why take a chance?

Dannette Hunnel