💟Kids Books, Phoenix Flowers, Travel Trix

The Smart Packing Lady

Pop this in your carry-on or purse NOW

A sad story? Maybe not.

While on a flight over the Atlantic, I nod off after dinner.

 When offered, my husband accepts a 2nd glass of wine and not realizing that I was dozing, he placed it on my tray table. When suddenly startled by a bit of mild turbulence, I knock the glass over, pouring the dark red liquid down the side of my husband’s, light khaki cargo pants. Apologetically, I dabbed the knee of his pants with some water and my cloth napkin. There he sat with red stained damp pants the rest of the flight.

 Some 6 hours, a nap and 2 movies later, we arrived in London, where upon we gathered our bags, (after nearly 40 minutes), then walked a mile (truly) to the proper exit where we waited in line for the Hoppa bus, (30 minutes) that shuttled us to the Hilton. We checked-in, got upstairs and immediately disrobed and went to sleep. After a mere 5 hours, we begrudingly showered and grabbed the shuttle back to Heathrow.  The afternoon was spent with strong coffee, a leisurely British lunch and some duty free shopping until we were able to board our 6:15 pm flight to Porto.

Arriving in Porto, it was gather bags again and hail a cab to our hotel. Checking in around 9 pm, we were offered a welcome glass of delicious tawny port and pleasant conversation with our concierge. At last, upstairs in our room, we unpacked and finally settled in for the next 4 days. Being sleep deprived I took a long hot shower and went to bed for 9 hours!

It was the next morning, after some tea and when I had a clear head, I laid my husband’s pants on the bed and dabbed my tide wipe on the giant dried purple stain. (note to self, carry in purse not in luggage). I used a water dampened washcloth and scrubbed the tide residue in a little further. We hung the pants over the balcony then it was off for a day of exploration.  

Returning that evening, we brought the pants in.


My husband assumed my tide wipe efforts were a waste of time. But NO!!

They we are good as new.  Almost miraculous!      

Tide packs are wonderful. The little light-weight packs tuck so easily into a purse or pocket. Definitely worth it.

I’m sold on Tide Packets.

Pop a few in your carry-on bag and your purse and leave them there. You just never know when you’ll need them. They work!

Dannette Hunnel