Think Fast!
Story Time
Picture This:
After a lovely dinner in an area near Newark, New Jersey, we were sleeping on the concierge floor of a Marriott.
3 am, the fire alarm goes off.
14th floors up and of course elevators are locked…
Race downstairs and stand outside in the cold parking lot with a bunch of strangers.
Going down ain’t so bad but going back up… whew.. what a cardio workout! Suffice to say the blood and adrenaline are pumping. Not going back to sleep anytime soon. The next day is an early day, full day …. Yikes!
3 Gals touring Boston…
Crazy girls trip, Full Days, Fun Nights…
It’s off to bed at some unreasonable hour.
Staying up on the 5th floor in a breezy, waterfront hotel.
Emergency evacuation…
Outside for more than an hour.
Cold, Windy, Misty Sea Spray, Flying Bats, Hordes of People-(angry/scared people) & just plain Miserable.
And now this- #3
On a river cruise, docked in small town outside of St. Emilion, France, roughly 11pm.
Off go the sirens…
Luckily, we were located close to the gangway.
Unluckily, I was in the shower!!
Husband on the outside upper deck, smoking cigars with new found friends.
So, before the boat explodes, I quickly step out, suds and all; wrap a robe around me, grab my room key, purse and our passports and out I go…
So what’s my point in all this??
DON”T SLEEP NAKED while traveling.
Remember to TAKE SOME SORT OF light robe or WRAP
SLEEP IN SOMETHING YOU WON”T MIND BEING SEEN IN, maybe exercise shorts, sports bra, etc?
Always formulate a plan to get to your passport by keeping it in a quick-open safe, or while in your room, going to sleep; leave the safe unlocked. Keep important docs on your person, even under your pillow; easily accessible during the night.
In the event that something happens to your passport you should have all information available. Having a screen shot/picture wouldn’t hurt as long as you have a lock on your phone and you don’t lose it, but better yet, keep a copy of your passport somewhere safe or with someone at home or just plain memorize it.
While in a foreign country, I don’t care how good the view is, I never stay on the top floors. Their emergency crews, ladders, water systems may not be as modern as the ones we are used to in the states. I certainly don’t wish to find out, either!
If you want a good view, that’s what the sky bar is for or better yet, walk outside and see it up close!
Personal opinion: If handicapped/disabled in anyway, never stay up top of a hotel or way down below on a ship. Be aware of stairs. Be advised that ‘lifts’ (elevators) in Europe are most likely for no more than 2 people and super slow.
Don’t take anything valuable or irreplaceable items with you; such as a watch, diamonds, heirlooms jewelry, expensive leather coat or anything that is of value to you. In an emergency you DO NOT always have time to grab those things.
You don’t want to get caught like this:
Never Sleep Naked while traveling….