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Desert Gardening Tips (37 years experience)

Dusty Miller

I Love Dusty Miller

It’s a different color than most plants, consistently drawing the eye to its’ grey or silvery contrasting, soft velvety leaves. With a color that is referred to as dull or muted, this texture of velour is how it has acquired the name dusty! It appears to have almost lacy or scalloped in its’ leaves.

It’s an easy plant !

Derived from the Mediterranean, makes it a good plant for Arizona flower beds and pots because Arizona soil replicates Mediterranean soil.

Dusty miller will tolerate the intense heat in the Valley of the sun and if you can place it where it gets afternoon shade it would be in heaven and grow happily.

I have had it in full sun 365 days a year, around my pool, (as it won’t scratch the kids ankles as they run around the cool deck), and my plant made it just fine. It does need daily watering with good ole’ tap or fresh water, but don’t leave it damp or soggy. Water the ground not the plant. It is a year round plant, and it requires no pruning. Dusty Miller will get a stick-like shoot of with tiny golden flowers, which should be pinched off to encourage growth and to keep from getting leggy.

It doesn’t need any soil amendment and it is pretty much pest resistant. Only fertilize, (if at all) with a light, general-purpose slow-release fertilizer.

I deem Dusty Miller as the quiet plant. It just sits there, quietly with its soft, light reflection requiring little attention and looks good in either pots or in the ground. Some use as a ground cover but it also makes a good border or edging. 

Found nearly year round in our garden centers, you just can’t go wrong potting this plant hither and yon throughout your yard. It’s a perennial and from the evergreen family.

It can get up to 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide. 

I believe the Native Americans refer to it as the old woman plant. This suits me just fine as it is Lovely, easy going, and grey… as well as soft to the touch and around for the long haul… 

Dannette Hunnel